The head of science at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Dr David Galbraith is being honoured for multiple contributions to the Hamilton environment. Most recently, he played the leading role in the development and implementation of the Cootes to Escarpment Parks System Conservation and Land Management Strategy – a grand vision for the management and protection of a wide swath of west Hamilton lands. The study area includes 8500 acres of public and private lands. He chaired the steering committee, and has become the passionate spokesperson for this transformative initiative. His other scientific work has included a central role in securing the designation of RBG lands as one of only four “Important Amphibian and Reptile Areas” in Canada. Beyond the borders of Hamilton he is the chair of both the Canadian Botanical Network and the Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network. In 2007 he organized the international Shades of Green conference that focused on the connections between nature and the social conditions within communities.