Previous Recipients

Click on the winners below to find out why they were chosen to be “Environmentalists of the Year”!

Victor Cecilioni and Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

2022Thomas Beckett – Lifetime Achievement Award
2018Peter Topalovic – Lifetime Achievement Award
2018Dr Dennis Corr – Lifetime Achievement Award
2018Sandi Stride – Lifetime Achievement Award
2018Hamilton Naturalists’ Club – Lifetime Achievement Award
2017Marilyn Baxter – Lifetime Achievement Award
2017John Hannah
2016Jen Baker
2016Graham and Emma Cubitt
2016Grant Linney – Lifetime Achievement Award
2015Kate Andrus
2015Wayne Terryberry
2015Chris Firth-Eagland – Lifetime Achievement Award
2014Bill and Judy Wilcox
2014Mary Ellen Scanlon – Lifetime Achievement Award
2013Brian Reid – Lifetime Achievement Award
2013Tÿs Theÿsmeÿer, Head of Natural Lands at RBG
2012Friends of Rural Communities and the Environment (FORCE)
2012Friends of the Eramosa Karst (FOTEK)
2012Robert Edmondson – Lifetime Achievement Award
2011Grant Ranalli – Lifetime Achievement Award
2011Joe Minor
2010Green Venture
2009Dr David Galbraith
2008Dr. Peter Rice
2007Barbara McKean
2007Jim Quinn – Lifetime Achievement Award
2006Victor Cairns
2006Murray Charlton
2006Roman Caruk – Lifetime Achievement Award
2006Bruce Trail Association – Lifetime Achievement Award
2005Dr. Mark Sproule-Jones
2005Alison Healing – Lifetime Achievement Award
2005John D. Hall – Lifetime Achievement Award
2004Dr. Brian McCarry
2004Ian Reid – Lifetime Achievement Award
2003Betty Blashill
2003Kevin Hamilton
2003Joanna Chapman – Lifetime Achievement Award
2003Robert Elstone – LLifetime Achievement Award
2002Scott McNie
2002Jim Macdonald – Lifetime Achievement Award
2002Anne Redish – Lifetime Achievement Award
2001Corey Lewis
2000Brian McHattie
1999S.A.G.E. (Study and Action Group for the Environment)
1999Geraldine Copps – Lifetime Achievement Award
1998Dr. Lynda Lukasik
1998Dr. Robert Korol – Lifetime Achievement Award
1997Don McLean
1996Ken Hall
1995Dr. George Sorger
1994Greensville Against Serious Pollution
1993Ben Vanderbrug
1992Farrell Boyce
1991Bruce Duncan
1990Victoria Branden
1990William Randall
1990Hamilton Teachers’ Credit Union Green Committee
1989Dr. Jack Vallentyne
1988Conservation Committee of the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club
1988John Norris
1987The Upper Ottawa Street Resident’s Association
1986Dr. Ross Hall
1985Ray Lowes
1984Gil Simmons
1983Edgar Smee
1982Alan Stacey
1981Save the Valley Committee
1980Gary Birch
1979Dr. Victor Cecilioni

Award of Merit Winners

2018Joyce Munro
2018Kerry Brookes
2018Kelly McKinney
2016Stewards of Cootes Watershed
2016Russell Ohrt
2016Kathy Zadvorny
2015St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic Elementary School
2015Beautiful Alleys
2015Cara Contardi
2015Peter Thoem
2015Greg Lenko
2015Robert Perkins
2014Stephanie McLarty
2013Warren Beacham
2013Maria Brenyo, Deb Falcao, Lucy Hunt, Carm Passaro, Marina Simpson
2013Swamp Line 9
2013Brian Montgomery
2012Elysia Petrone
2012Horizon Utilities Corporation
2012The Windermere Basin Wetland Creation Project
2011Josh Gordon
2011Michael Nabert
2010Glenn Marshall
2010Founding members of Social and Ecological Responsibility in Education committee of the HWCDSD
2010Trail Maintenance Team Group of the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club
2010Bill Kennedy
2009Youth Advisory Council of the Hamilton Community Foundation
2009Friends of the Eramosa Karst
2009Laurel Harrison
2008Julia Kollek
2008Peter Ormond
2008Dean Carriere
2007Warren Beacham
2007Alan Ernest
2007Hamilton Coalition on Pesticide Issues
2006Joan Roberts
2006Falcon Watch
2006Bob Intini
2006Jordan Bowman
2005Alex Komarniski
2005Fifty Point Conservation Area Marina
2004Morley Balinson
2003Steering Committee for Restoration of Courtcliffe Park
2003Peter Turkstra and the Greensville Action Committee
2003Bruce Mackenzie
2003Pat Vacca
2003Norm Jacobs
2002Tina DiClemente and Franca Ianni
2002Larry Kelly
2002Beth Stormont and Sandra Root
2001Larry Pomerantz
2001Vicky Sutherland and Dorothy Greig
2000Parks Development Section, City of Hamilton
1998Hamilton Junior Naturalists’ Club
1997Dave Braden
1997Keep Hamilton Clean Committee
1996Rob Dobos
1996Ian Reid
1995Burke Austin
1995Joanna Chapman
1995Pleasant View Subcommittee of the Dundas Chapter of the Conserver Society of Hamilton & District
1994Ian Gray
1994Danny Stone
1994Ollie Thomson
1993Dr. Keith Rodgers
1993Wentworth Environmental Farm Plan Committee
1992Patricia Cameron & Students of St. Patrick’s School
1992Don McLean
1991Trenholme Neighbourhood Park Committee
1991Thomas Elliott

Adam Chiaravalle Post-Secondary Youth Conservation Award

2023Armaan Kotadia

Environmentalist of the Year Award

2023Stop Sprawl
2022Adam Chiaravalle