Previous Recipients – Alphabetical
Previous Recipients
Victor Cecilioni and Lifetime Achievement Award Winners
- Peter Topalovic
- Dr Dennis Corr
- Sandi Stride
- Marilyn Baxter
- John Hannah
- Jen Baker
- Graham and Emma Cubitt
Award of Merit Winners
- Joyce Munro
- Kerry Brookes
- Kelly McKinney
- Stewards of Cootes Watershed
- Russell Ohrt
- Kathy Zadvorny
- St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic Elementary School
- Beautiful Alleys
- Cara Contardi
- Peter Thoem
- Greg Lenko
- Robert Perkins
- Stephanie McLarty
- Warren Beacham
- Maria Brenyo, Deb Falcao, Lucy Hunt, Carm Passaro, Marina Simpson
- Swamp Line 9
- Brian Montgomery
- Elysia Petrone
- Horizon Utilities Corporation
- The Windermere Basin Wetland Creation Project
- Josh Gordon
- Michael Nabert
- Glenn Marshall
- Founding members of Social and Ecological Responsibility in Education committee of the HWCDSD
- Trail Maintenance Team Group of the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club
- Bill Kennedy
- Youth Advisory Council of the Hamilton Community Foundation
- Friends of the Eramosa Karst
- Laurel Harrison
- Julia Kollek
- Peter Ormond
- Dean Carriere
- Warren Beacham
- Alan Ernest
- Hamilton Coalition on Pesticide Issues
- Joan Roberts
- Falcon Watch
- Bob Intini
- Jordan Bowman
- Alex Komarniski
- Fifty Point Conservation Area Marina
- Morley Balinson
- Steering Committee for Restoration of Courtcliffe Park
- Peter Turkstra and the Greensville Action Committee
- Bruce Mackenzie
- Pat Vacca
- Norm Jacobs
- Tina DiClemente and Franca Ianni
- Larry Kelly
- Beth Stormont and Sandra Root
- Larry Pomerantz
- Vicky Sutherland and Dorothy Greig
- Parks Development Section, City of Hamilton
- Hamilton Junior Naturalists' Club
- Dave Braden
- Keep Hamilton Clean Committee
- Rob Dobos
- Ian Reid
- Burke Austin
- Joanna Chapman
- Pleasant View Subcommittee of the Dundas Chapter of the Conserver Society of Hamilton & District
- Ian Gray
- Danny Stone
- Ollie Thomson
- Dr. Keith Rodgers
- Wentworth Environmental Farm Plan Committee
- Patricia Cameron & Students of St. Patrick's School
- Don McLean
- Trenholme Neighbourhood Park Committee
- Thomas Elliott