Hamilton’s Environmentalists of the Year Awards Committee is pleased to announce this year’s Environmentalists of the Year award recipients. Established in 1979, these awards recognize the dedicated efforts of citizens, businesses and organizations to improve the environment in our community in 2017. Two categories of awards will be presented at a community dinner in June:
- The Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award for the Environmentalist of the Year recognizes long-term efforts that create a significant impact in the community and is being awarded to John Hannah, a Science teacher at Hillfield Strathallan College and local environmental volunteer. John is an avid naturalist and a strong advocate for teaching and learning outdoors as a way to connect students to the natural world while improving their academic performance and wellness. He had played a leading role in introducing naturalization and gardening activities at the school by approaching the campus as a learning landscape.
- A Lifetime Achievement Award will be awarded to Marilyn Baxter, the current Environmental Manager at the Hamilton Port Authority, and former Executive Director of the Bay Area Restoration Council. Marilyn has focused her efforts on a healthy Hamilton Harbour since 1993. In her role at the Port Authority, she has worked to elevate the importance of the environment in their decision-making and activities, and has been actively involved in projects and initiatives of the Bay Area Implementation Team under the Remedial Action Plan for Hamilton Harbour.
The Awards will be presented at the 39th Annual Environmentalists of the Year Awards Dinner on Wednesday, June 13th, 2018, at the Michelangelo Banquet Centre at 1555 Upper Ottawa Street in Hamilton. Doors will open for refreshments at 5:30 PM, and dinner will be served at 7 PM. Buy your tickets now! :
Anyone interested in celebrating Environment Week and the environment in Hamilton is invited: tickets are $40 (tax included) and must be purchased in advance by June 7th. Tables for eight or ten can be reserved. Tickets will be available online at eoyawards.com, or in-person at Royal Botanical Gardens’ Shop (open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily) or in the city centre of the city at Environment Hamilton, 22 Wilson Street #8, (905) 549-0900, or by emailing contactus@environmenthamilton.org. Tables may be reserved through cebrown466@gmail.com.
Who sponsors the EOY Awards?
The Environmentalists of the Year Awards and Dinner have been held each year for 39 years. An independent committee of community members judges the nominations. The Awards program is co-sponsored by the Conserver Society of Hamilton and District, the United Nations Association in Canada-Hamilton Branch, the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club, Environment Hamilton, Royal Botanical Gardens, Friends of Red Hill Valley, and the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club. For additional information on the Awards Dinner, please call (905) 547-5116.