Nominations Open for the 2015 Hamilton Environmentalists of the Year Awards

Hamilton’s Environmentalists’ of the Year Award Committee is looking for individuals, groups and businesses who have taken an active role in environmental activity and leadership in Hamilton.

Sponsored by the Conserver Society of Hamilton and District, the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club, the Hamilton Conservation Authority, the Bay Area Restoration Council, Environment Hamilton, the United Nations Association in Canada- Hamilton Branch, Friends of Red Hill Valley, the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club and Royal Botanical Gardens, the awards are in their 37th year and will be presented at a dinner at Michelangelo Banquet Centre on Wednesday, June 8th.

Nominations are being accepted for a variety of awards. The Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award is presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to environmental activity and leadership, usually over a number of years. Awards of Merit are also offered each year, to recognize excellence in environmental effort on particular projects, or over a number of years.

Two other awards are also presented at the dinner. The Hamilton Conservation Foundation recognizes a student graduating from secondary school and entering a post-secondary institution, with a Student Bursary for Environmental Conservation, and Environment Hamilton presents the Betty Blashill Environmental Prize.

Nominations for all awards are due by March 31 and must be accompanied by a detailed nomination package. Information and forms can be downloaded here. Details on the Student Bursary can be found on the Conservation Hamilton website at, and the Betty Blashill Environmental Prize forms can be requested by emailing

For media information, contact:

Barbara McKean, (905) 527-1158 ext. 247 –
John Struger, (905) 547-5116 –