The Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award for the 1990 Environmentalist of the Year was shared by Hamilton Teacher’s Credit Union Green Committee, Victoria Branden and William Randall.
A group of dedicated Environmentalists felt that the environment was the issue of the 1990’s. It was fitting and natural then, for a group of Credit Union staff to form an action committee to try to make a difference in the work environment. The Green Committee was initiated by Jayne Patterson and Jon Pludowski for the purpose of promoting conservation, recycling and careful consumption within the work place.
The Green Committee initiated a three-step plan:
- Maximize the use of recycled paper products,
- Set up a system for the Credit Union to reduce waste by recycling used paper,
- Educate the staff on conservation.
In order to get the green message across to staff, members and business affiliates, the Green Committee created its own newsletter called Greenwise.
Greenwise was available to all Credit Union members and was printed on recycled paper. It contained many informative articles of practical value and was published quarterly. In 1991, members of the committee were Jayne Patterson, Lynn Stokes, Cyndi Couldrey, Judy Mickleboro, Michelle Brodie and Jon Pludowski.