The Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award for the Environmentalist of the Year in 1995 is awarded to Dr. George Sorger and his Student Stream Stewards Program.
Over the past four years, this hands-on environmental monitoring initiative has trained high school students to collect and analyse water samples from local creeks, and present their findings to the community for appropriate action.
The program directly empowers both the students and the community to take responsibility over their local environment and ensure that problems are resolved.
Dr. Sorger is a McMaster biology professor who has repeatedly demonstrated his commitment to the community and the environment.
Over the past ten years he has spent his ‘holidays’ in rural El Salvador assisting villagers to use their own resources to identify and solve severe water quality problems. To this end, he is continuing personal research on Salvadorian medicinal plants.
Student Stream Stewards.
Student Stream Stewards present results
to community at public meeting.
His commitment to social justice and community empowerment recall the characteristics of the selfless environmentalist for whom the award is named.